
About David

David is a mixed bag. He grew up simple, on a third-generation family farm in North Central Kentucky; brought up by a Southern Baptist Sunday School Teacher-Mother and Deacon-Father. From those beginnings, his lifes path has been as twisted as a mountain road, though not nearly as rocky. Along the way, David has been a band member, busboy, pianist, cook, caterer, customer service manager, purchasing clerk, chemical engineer intern, cell phone salesperson, and then REALTOR.

David's ex-boyfriend set him up with a friend of his as a blind date. David met him in a parking lot of a Winn-Dixie; in Louisville, Ky on May 12, 1999. David and Bradley have been together ever since.

David came out as gay to his parents in 2000 to a completely, unanticipated, and the full amount of love and support, accompanied by the "we always knew". Twenty-something years ago, with his parent's respective backgrounds, that was nothing short of incredible.

Since 2002 David has found his passion in Residential and Commercial Real Estate Brokerage.

Everything we are, today, is a piece of where we were, at some point in our yesterdays, David explained. Some of the jobs I've had along the way took an incredibly hard amount of work; learning to work with the public for 28 years; Completing the Engineering Degree taught me some fantastic problem-solving skills. Taking a bit from everything Ive done before helps tremendously with what I do today and tomorrow.

I have ONLY been Full-time Real Estate Brokerage since 2002. This is ALL he's ever done since. David is not a part-time ANYTHING.

"If my eyes are open, I am working, that is simply the truth"

"Real estate is a good lifestyle for me. It ends when I go to sleep and begins when I wake up, generally!"

"If you want "Real" advice and guidance, PLEASE contact me. If you want honey poured in your ear, please contact my competitor."


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Graduate REALTORS Institute, GRI
At Home With Diversity, AHWD
Strategic Pricing Specialist, SPS

  • Residential, Commercial.