Always, serious home buyers go to the extent of paying to have a home properly inspected and evaluated. The main aim of doing this is to determine whether there are any major problems before closing the deal on purchasing the house.

Home InspectionTo be able to win the hearts of potential buyers and ensure there are no surprises for you or them, as a seller you could your home inspected before putting it on the market. Pre-inspection is good because of the following reasons.

1. It demonstrates how confident you are with your home

As a seller, doing pre-inspection shows how willing you are to go beyond the predictable and stand unique amongst other sellers by this goodwill gesture. This also indicates how upfront you are about the property. By doing this alone, you are guaranteed to win hearts and their confidence in you.

2. It could be a money saver

Buyers tend to go overboard by demanding huge sums of money as discounts to offset repairs. This does not have to be the case, vs. letting the buyer do the repairs, you can do them yourself and save thousands. For instance, if your septic system needs septic tank pumping, you may be able to find a great deal from a local company and save money. Discover what Vinegar in Septic Tank can do to your septic systems. Furthermore, roof repair costs can vary from one contractor to another so make sure that you shop around.

Another thing is that, even though you might not be the one repairing the inspection item, stating the problems found from the assessment up front to the buyer will help eliminate false claims of other damages later on.

3. It can bring to light your home’s property

Even though you’re not selling a fixed-upper, the pre-inspection can help in identifying some of the upgrades e.g. electrical/plumbing/construction upgrades that you have made to the house. Hire residential electric contractors to help you with any lighting or electrical repairs your home needs. These are additional home selling points.

Are you more tempted to buy the known, or the unknown?

If you have always kept your property in good shape and want to have it sold off as soon, and as profitably as possible, it’s gay realtors’ advice that having a pre-inspection could be a game changer for good!

Author Jeff Hammerberg is the Founding CEO of, providing Free Instant Access to the Nation’s Top Gay, Lesbian and Gay Friendly Realtors Coast to Coast.