Don’t let leads slip through your fingers. Here are four mistakes you should avoid in order to keep those potential clients interested.

Missing out on online leads: Agents should make sure their Web sites feature lead capture tools, such as free reports or videos that can be accessed in exchange for some information.

Problems with calls to action: To keep from losing leads, agents need to avoid all-or-nothing calls to action. Rather than require face-to-face meetings or telephone appointments, offer free resources and other options requiring less commitment.

Not responding to prospects fast enough: Yes, you’re a busy agent, but that’s no excuse for failing to respond to leads. Develop a plan to deliver information potential clients are looking for. There are many automated systems that can help you plan and execute interactions.

No direction on social media: Not engaging with friends and followers is problematic if you ever want to use social networks as a lead generating tool. One-way communication doesn’t work. Develop a plan for social media that involves putting calls to action in your posts and buying cheap ig followers to increase brand awareness. Ask questions, direct people back to your Web site, post photos, and comment on other people’s posts. Don’t forget to have fun!

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